Fire Pump and Fire Hydrant Testing

FSCP uses only top-quality testing equipment and gauges.  The Easy Flow Fire Pump Test trailer was designed and patented by FSCP founder, Randy Earle.  This patented design provides precise testing results reducing excessive unwarranted fire pump maintenance and repair.  The Easy Flow unit can be set up just about anywhere, including tight alleyways.

Most importantly, the Easy Flow unit is environmentally safe.  Testing uses only about one-quarter of the water other testing equipment uses.

Fire hydrant flow testing and maintenance includes sectional underground shut off-valve operation.  This is very important to operate the underground valves more frequently.  Should an emergency arise, you will be able to isolate this hydrant from the rest of the property. Fire hydrant operation and maintenance is required annually to ensure your hydrants are operating normally.  Testing reports will included a predicated flow at 20psi, so the local fire department will know how much water they can siphon to avoid a potential underground piping collapse.  

Andy 1440
For more details & information on the
patented EasyFlow unit, please click here.

Check Out the EasyFlow Unit

The EasyFlow Unit offers accurate testing, simplifies testing procedures, reduces costs, increases revenue, and boosts your company image. Visit the website of Chesapeake Bay EasyFlow, the home of the EasyFlow Fire Pump Tester website.